What Women are missing these days… and don’t even know

Talking strictly Fashion and Glamour here!

Suddenly I feel nostalgic of a bygone era of elegance and romance, perhaps it is because lately lmy friends and I have been talking  about our parents …   .Well,  we are always talking about our parents actually, reminiscing moments forever engraved inside of us, just a little dusty and hidden in the deep folds of the mind …  missing and longing,  even for the ones that are still with us, the memories of them, young and strong, stars of their own lives, not yet relegated to the corners by debilitating illnesses or by the darkness of games played by their minds that make them forget everything they once loved, created and dreamed of…

A time when it was ok to be feminine and delicate at the same time of being strong and smart… Vintage Dior, 1963
A time of hats... Vogue 1960
A time of hats… Vogue 1960
Cary Grant
A Time of gentlemen opening doors and bringing flowers… at least in the movies !
A Time when it was beautiful to have curves and charm…
A Cinderella time! Dior 1950s
A Cinderella time! Dior 1950s
Fred and Rita
A time of dancing….    The magic of Fred and Rita!
A time of glamour and more glamour!
Christian Dior 1950
A time of seduction and mistery !  Christian Dior 1950
Cary Grant and Grace Kelly in
Cary Grant and Grace Kelly in “To catch a Thief”
A time of beauty and femininity
A time of beauty and femininity! Christian Dior 1950s by Philippe Poitier
A time of Grace!
Roger Moore
A time for The Saint!   Roger Moore
Christian Dior, Harper's Bazaar 1951
Christian Dior, Harper’s Bazaar 1951
Photography by Gordon Parks
Exquisite times!   Photography by Gordon Parks
Yves St. Laurent, 1958.
A time of perfect Grace!
A time of perfect Grace!
Rock Hudson
Franco Nero
Elegant and timeless. 1960s
Elegant and timeless. 1960s
Lanvin, 1952
Lanvin, 1952
Dior 1954
Dior 1954.  Perfection!
Rita Hayworth
Rock Hudson
Rock Hudson
Grace Kelly
A time of class!
Christopher Plummer
Christopher Plummer
Eleanor Parker
Eleanor Parker
Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn
Gilda! Rita Hayworth
Gilda! Rita Hayworth
Elizabeth Taylor
Elizabeth Taylor
Christopher Plummer
Christopher Plummer
Vintage Dior
A time of Hats!  Vintage Dior
Baroness Schraeder
Baroness Schraeder
The name is Bond, James Bond.
The name is Bond, James Bond.
Christian Dior, 1956
A time of gloves!  Christian Dior, 1956  Anybody could wear this right now, without alterations, it is perfection, from color to design.  The only thing we wouldn’t see is that horrible linoleum floor!!
Dior 1950
Dior 1950
Chanel 1950
Chanel 1950
Sean Connery, Mr. James Bond
A time when men didn’t shave their chest hair! Thank you.
Vogue 1950s
Vogue 1950s
The 50s
The 50s
Vogue 1945
Vogue 1945
Vogue 1950
Vogue 1950
Jean Patou
Jean Patou
Roger Moore
Roger Moore
Christian Dior 1958
Christian Dior 1958
Yves St. Laurent
Suzy Parker. Dior 1952
Suzy Parker. Dior 1952
Givenchy, 1954
Givenchy, 1954
Jean Patou 1969
Jean Patou 1969
Eleanor Parker
Eleanor Parker
Rod Hudson
Rod Hudson
Lanvin, Spring 1969
Lanvin, Spring 1969
Elizabeth Taylor
Elizabeth Taylor
Christopher, my Captain Von Trapp
Christopher, my Captain Von Trapp
A wonderful time!
A wonderful time!

I know all past times were not necessarily better, but children have a way sometimes to rescue the best of their past in order to continue dreaming… Or in order to survive.

I had to add a few days after sharing that I hope everybody understood that I am talking strictly about Fashion, Style and Glamour!  The illusion, the perception, the memories through the eyes of a child.  And every time we catch a glimpse of an old movie on reruns, it brings us back to that moment, glancing through our mother’s magazine pages and being in awe of the beautiful ladies in hats and gloves, cladded in fabulous designers’ dresses, dreaming of the time we could wear something as feminine and as glamorous as that! (and only for that reason I’ll add a couple of pictures more… like I need an excuse to use more pictures!)

More of the 50s
More of the 50s
Renee Breton in Christian Dior.
Renee Breton in Christian Dior.

Fall Memories…

When my kids were little I use to drive my bicycle everywhere and sometimes I took them with me sitting behind directly on the grill… Oh, my … only the thought of it sends chills down my spine and through my whole body!… It was a time of no helmets and no bicycle paths… we didn’t overthink things as much back then, but some, we definitely should have!

The one who shared those rides with me the most was my little piggy, the youngest of them all, who at the time was going to a Preschool called  “Louis Pasteur”.

One day I arrived to pick him up and found him standing at the door with his little lunchbox waiting for me, very entertained in conversation with the watchman, the school’s security guard who stood there every day and at all times.

Riding with boys...
Riding with boys…

As I approached them he started telling me everything about their conversation and introduced me to his friend – Mommy, this is my friend Louis Pasteur! – he said very proudly and excitedly, I smiled and said hi, but tried to correct him about the confusion. He wouldn’t have it. The watchman WAS Louis Pasteur to him. He had seen him every single day, at all hours standing there, guarding the School,  so he “knew” that was “his” school, Louis Pasteur’s School!   I had to live it alone. Not worth destroying such cuteness!

The best moments for me turned out to be not so good for him...
best moments in life

Many years later, he told me that he was actually terrified with traffic and the way I rode, sitting there on my bike, in the middle of that traffic and noise, completely exposed… while I thought he was enjoying it …. suddenly one of my sweetest memories was now a horrible one of child endangerment and child abuse!  … I wish I could go back in time, hold him so tight against my heart and change many, oh, so many things, so he would never have to be scared again… at least not because of me…

and now she's coming to pick me up!
…and on top of everything, now she’s coming to pick me up again in that bloody bicycle!
If I could go back in time...
If I could turn back time…

Memories that fall out of nowhere, like leaves in Autumn, surprising and delighting us, just not in this case anymore… and I thought, that maybe if I wrote about it, I could possibly…. I don’t know what I thought…  but we don’t get do-overs in life, do we?…

He grew up to be a US Marine ...
… but he grew up to be an awesomely brave, smart and strong US Marine, in spite of me… or MAYBE, just maybe, even a little bit, because of me! I wish I could know…
It should be mandatory to go to school to be a parent, it amazes me there aren’t any laws about that yet…
Moms and boys…

