From my window…. Desde mi Ventana. A Merry Christmas to all!

I posted this yesterday but the link seemed to be broken, Merry Christmas to you all !
Publiqué esto ayer pero el enlace parece estar roto así que trataré otra ves para desearles una Feliz Navidad con un corazón agradecido y enfocado en el lugar correcto, paz y amor para todos !


Positano, Italia From my window I saw summer go by…  from my window, I saw my thoughts go wild… I still wonder why I didn’t get to say goodbye

POSITANO, ITALIA Oh Summer beautiful … liquid dreams and all…

. Can’t take away the beauty of Autumn or Fall, Winter and cold having their own memories their own soul.

. Fire cracking, book diving, dreaming begins again…

. Contemplating that all is possible… didn’t I feel before the same? .

. I find over and over that life repeats itself, I’m always starting over or at least it feels this way…

. …Despite all the beginnings … the decades we left back, some things  will never change, the language of silence, the feeling of touch, those arms and  legs intertwined like an abstract piece of art…

. ..A tiny home is enough when your heart is in the right place…

. …waiting is a joy when you know who you are…

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From my Window…. Desde mi Ventana. A Merry Christmas to All

Positano, Italia
From my window I saw summer go by…  from my window, I saw my thoughts go wild… I still wonder why I didn’t get to say goodbye
Oh Summer beautiful … liquid dreams and all…
Can’t take away the beauty of Autumn or Fall, Winter and cold,  having their own memories their own soul.
Fire cracking, book diving, dreaming begins again…
Contemplating that all is possible… didn’t I feel before the same? .
I find over and over that life repeats itself, I’m always starting over or at least it feels this way…
…Despite all the beginnings … the decades we left back, some things  will never change, the language of silence, the feeling of touch, those arms and  legs intertwined like an abstract piece of art…
..A tiny home is enough when your heart is in the right place…
…waiting is a joy when you know who you are waiting for… When you have somebody else…
Family oh family … we all have different walks but isn’t it just perfect, isn’t it the best when we can come together putting things to rest, when we can get together and stop?
…and there they go again, leaving my soul all warm, but I love the sound of silence and I love my time alone…
Warm wine, cossy feet, a good book …and somebody to share them with…
I wish you all  tomorrow, along with a cup of JOY, to have someone to share, the birth of our LORD…



IMG_0166History_Real_Story_of_Christmas_Birth_of_a_Holiday_SF_still_624x352 2.jpg


Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!

Good Morning Sunshine! Beautiful Inspiration

The beautiful photography of @anatseem


It seems that now-a-days we find our selves, more often than not, in serious need of inspiration, a lift, a push, something…. Perhaps it’s because we have access to the news 24/7 in so many ways that it’s impossible to escape all the emphasis in the negative. There must be countless acts of heroism and kindness happening all over the world every second but those are not reported. We need them, we need to know of them. How are we supposed to hold on if we only focus on how horrible we are and how low we have allowed our selves to descend?

My heart breaks with so much sadness for all the cruelty and craziness we are exhibiting as a human race. Animals have proven by far to be infinitely better than we are.   In the midst of all this madness I find myself  uplifted and renewed when by chance I get smashed in the face with the beauty of art. Yes, as always and from the beginning of creation, we have the privilege through art to have a glimpse into another soul, the soul of an artist that through his craft show us or remind us of how beautiful life is or can be.

Today I want to share the work of a gifted photographer whose name I don’t even know. I stumbled into her work in Instagram where she goes by @anatseem   I googled her, of course, but couldn’t find any additional information. While looking at my IG a new post of hers showed up and left me speechless. She takes mostly photos of who I imagine is her daughter, silhouettes of her playing in the light. There is a purity and innocence about them and so much love and artistry. I can’t judge photography or other art forms because I’m totally unqualified for the task. What I can do is share the things I love and move me.  I needed this today. I was in serious need of inspiration, my heart needed a hug and she gave it to me through her art. Enjoy and let me know what you thought of her work please and definetly visit her in Instagram.  Have an awesome weekend and make it count!  Thank you so much for visiting, I can’t believe we are aproching 18,000 views already!

